The Rolfing® Series

Traditionally, Rolfing® is done in a series of ten sessions each one building upon the results of the last in the fascial restructuring of the body. Each session addresses specific body structures and their relationships to each other, keeping the unique issues of the whole person in mind. The cumulative effect creates lasting change as gravity supports the new vertical alignment. In addition, the body is naturally drawn to what is most efficient and balanced as "good habits" replace "bad habits" and body awareness increases.

The first session

In the first session, you will fill out a confidential health questionnaire and we will discuss our goals and physical history. I will evaluate your structure in standing, walking and sitting, wearing either underwear or a bathing suit (two piece for women). The hands-on part of the session lasts about an hour and most of it is done on a Rolfing® table or bench. You will be asked to do small movements as I work to facilitate the release of the fascia and repatterning of the nervous system. Walking at various times during the session to assess and integrate the chance is also a possibility. The session end with another evaluation to determine the progress that has been made and any appropriate awareness "exercises" to support new movement patterns.


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