What is Rolfing®?

Rolfing® is a holistic system of bodywork designed around a series of sessions using connective tissue manipulation and movement education. The goal is to restore normal human function by improving structure. Rolfers lengthen, align and balance the body in gravity by releasing chronic shortenings and holding patterns due to the physical and emotional stress of everyday living. When misaligned, gravity is experienced in our bodies as a subtle stress to tense up against as we maintain our uprightness. Once aligned, gravity supports our structure by simultaneously grounding and lifting us. The results are a more energetic, flexible, youthful and pain-free body.

At the conclusion of the series there is a reduction or elimination of pain, an improved appearance via better posture and reduced stress, increases in energy and a fuller sense of purpose.

       Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others as the unflattering contour of their body, others as a constant fatigue, yet others as an unrelentingly threatening environment.

Ida P. Rolf, PhD Rolfing®

       Those over 40 may call it old age. And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem, so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored - they are off balance. They are at war with gravity.

Ida P. Rolf, PhD Rolfing®

       To stand upright is to work against gravity, and if this resistance to the pull of gravity is defined as the force of life, it can be said that those who expend the least amount of effort in holding a vertical posture have the greatest potential to direct their life energies toward some other activity.

From the book Zen Imagery Exercises by Shizuto Masunanga

Rolfing® is the science, art and philosophy of balancing the body in gravity. As such, it is concerned with establishing normal posture and movement. Through a series of ten sessions the body is progressively freed from the life long patterns of strain that have resulted in inadequate posture, poor breathing, stiff movement and tight muscles. People report that Rolfing® effects many areas of their life, not just their body. Mental calmness and clarity are also associated with the Rolfing® process.


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